

2024-05-23Aix XinLe

人教版7年级上 英语 Period 1 (1a~2e)Teaching important points 【教学重点】1.Key words &



人教版7年级上 英语 Period 1 (1a~2e)Teaching important points 【教学重点】1.Key words & phrases:good,morning,hi,hello,HB,CD,BBC

2.Key sentences:Good morning!Teaching difficult points 【教学难点】Grasp the letters Aa-Hh and learn to recognize the English names.

Teaching aids 【教具】a computer and some cards

Teaching procedures and ways 【教学过程及方法】★Step Ⅰ Revision and lead-in 复习导入Greet the students and lead in the new lesson.

T:Good morning,everyone!My name is…I am your English teacher.You can call me Miss/Ms./Mr. …(Walking to a boy)Whats your name?

Boy:My name is Li Tao.T:Good morning,Li Tao.Boy:Good morning,Ms./Mr. …(Help the student to respond correctly if necessary.)

The teacher writes “Good morning,Li Tao.”on the blackboard.★Step Ⅱ Self-studying and guiding 自学指导Self-study guide 1:

Self-study the new words and English names:good,morning,hi,hello,Alice,Bob,Cindy,Dale,Eric,Frank,Grace,Helen.Learn to pronounce them according to the phonetic symbols(音标).And you can listen to the tapes to help you pronounce them correctly or ask others for help.

Self-study guide 2:Try reading the sentences in 1a and try to tell boys names from girls names.Self-study guide 3:

Self-study 2c and learn to write the eight letters.Questions for thinking:1.Do you know how to greet people in the morning?

2.Do you know how to write the eight letters Aa,Bb,Cc,Dd,Ee,Ff,Gg,Hh?The teacher walks around the classroom to watch and help the students study while the students are self-studying.

Time for questions:Discuss the writing of the eight letters.

★Step Ⅲ Check up 检查核对Check up 1:Words teaching:Ask a few students to read the new words and help them correct the mistakes in pronunciation if necessary.

Check up 2:Ask some students to make a conversation with their partner and see if they can respond correctly.And ask students to fill in the blanks:

Boys names:________________________________________________________________________Girls names:________________________________________________________________________

Check up 3:Write the small letters for these big letters:A____ B____ C____ D____ E____ F____G____ H____

★Step Ⅳ Cooperative inquiry 合作探究1.Listening (1b)Play the recording of 1a,students listen and repeat.2.Pair work

Practice the conversations in the picture and then greet your partner.(1c)Sample:A:Good morning,Zhang Wen!/Hello,Zhang Wen!

B:Good morning,Li Yan!/Hello,Li Yan!3.Act outAsk some pairs of students to act out their dialogs in front of the class.

4.Finish 2a and 2b.5.Discussion (2e)Talk about what these letters HB,CD,BBC mean.

★Step Ⅴ Practice 练习Write the missing big letter or small letter for each pair.(2d)★Step Ⅵ Test 测试Choose the best answer.

( )1.书写英文字母时,占三格的是________A.b B.g C.f( )2.按字母表顺序排列正确的是________A.g e f B.a d e C.c a dBlackboard writing。


Teaching reflection 【教学反思】这是新学期的第一课,养成良好的学习习惯是关键本课时重点是学会见面时候的问候语以及学会字母A-H学习问候语的良好习惯是老师帮助学生多说多练,给学生提供大量的口语机会。


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